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Clear Ocean Pact wins UK award for being involved in changing the face of the planet

14 November 2019

Following the PYA’s support to help boost the uptake of Clear Ocean Pact’s war on single-use plastic, the organisation has been recognised at the People. Environment. Achievement (P.E.A) awards, for their contributions towards forging an ecologically-conscious blueprint for businesses and organisations within the yachting industry. 

The green-carpet event, held at Greenwich Peninsula, London, invited a range of businesses committed to promoting ecologically-friendly and conscious lifestyles. Clear Ocean Pact was honoured to win the award within the ‘Travel’ category, which the organisation’s founder said ‘is a step in the right direction to represent how the yachting industry is leading the change and working towards becoming more sustainable.’

The climate emergency is fast becoming a topic high up the agenda within the yachting industry, so it has been a positive step to see a large number of high-profile yachts join the PACT. We recently called upon our members to join the organisation’s PACT, which includes removing the use of single-use plastic and adopting alternative products. 

Do you want to join the fight against single-use plastic? 

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit their website

  2. Sign-up to the PACT

  3. Inspire other yachts and crew to do the same

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