The PYA is authorized to issue Yacht Rating Certificates on behalf of the MCA.
Some vessels require crew to have a Yacht Rating Certificate as part of their safe manning requirements. Having this certificate can improve your chances of finding a job.
We accept digital applications! Simply email all required documentation to certificates@pya.org - read below for further details.
In the case of a seafarer joining the PYA as a full member, the YRC, if required at time of joining, will be included in their first year's membership fee. The charge is €40 to PYA other type members and €80 for non-PYA members.
Be at least 16 years of age
Demonstrate at least 6 months of onboard service including 2 months of seagoing service, all of which must be on vessels of 15 metres and over in load line length
Have the Basic STWC training:
Personal Survival Techniques (STCW Code Ref A-VI/1-1), or RYA Basic Sea Survival
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (STCW Code Ref A-VI/1-2)
Elementary First Aid (STCW Code Ref A-VI/1-3)
Personal Safety & Social Responsibility (STCW Code Ref AVI/1-4)
Complete the Yacht Rating Training Record Book*
*You can be exempted from the TRB, and the requirement for 6 months’ onboard service may be reduced to 2 months’ seagoing service on vessels of at least 15 metres, if you hold one of the following:
Watch Leader Certificate, together with a Competent Crew certificate; or
Day Skipper Certificate together, with a Competent Crew certificate; or
Yacht Rating course completion certificate.
You will need to submit to us the following - in person (originals) or by email (certified copies):
Yacht Rating Application form (filled in, signed and countersigned*)
Original or Certified copy of passport (by a training school or your Captain or Chief Officer with their CoC number included)
2 Passport-size photographs (if applying by email, 1 will suffice) - the back of the photo must be countersigned by the same person countersigning your application.
PYA D-SRB or Testimonials + Discharge Book / Discharge Certificate (if you don't have a D-SRB, two forms of proof are required). You may find our testimonial templates here.
Originals or Certified copies of your STCW Certificates
Original or Certified copy of valid medical fitness certificate, e.g. ENG 1
Yacht Rating Certificate Training Record Book (Annex B of MSN 1862) - not required if you have the certificates listed in par. 4B of the application form
For more information please contact certificates@pya.org
Last updated 31/07/2023